10 Krasińskiego St. 10 Zygmunta Krasińskiego St. total buidling area: 1993 m² total land area: 2894 m² property for sale total building area: 1993 m² total land area: 2894 m² the building is located on 2 plots No. 88/4 and 89/4 The property includes: office and technical building: 1964,65 m2 outbuilding: 15,6 m2 sheet metal warehouse: 12,79 m2 located in the central part of Toruń 1 km to the Old Town in the vicinity of: National Roads No.15 and 80 Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń Bydgoski Park there is a paved square with a cark park (on the property) Pobierz plik Krasińskiego - offer see it on the map (Geoportal)