76-80 Szosa Bydgoska St. | torun.direct - Centrum Wsparcia Biznesu

76-80 Szosa Bydgoska St.

76-80 Szosa Bydgoska St.

  • area: 0,6268 ha
  • ambit 23
  • number of plots: 1 plot complexes
  • plots N°: 35/16, 44/3, 91/4, 102/4
  • owned by  the Municipality of the City of Toruń

  • western part of the city on the exit route to Bydgoszcz (National Road 80)
  • in the vicinity of service companies, shopping and sports facilities
  • undeveloped and partially wooded area
  • planned access via internal roads from Szosa Bydgoska St.
  • existing utilities located in neighboring streets:
    - power grid
    - water distribution network
    - sewage network
    - gas network



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