201-207 Poznańska St., 209-211 Poznańska St./9 K. Stamirowskiego St. | torun.direct - Centrum Wsparcia Biznesu

201-207 Poznańska St., 209-211 Poznańska St./9 K. Stamirowskiego St.

201-207 Poznańska St., 209-211 Poznańska St./9 K. Stamirowskiego St.

  • area: 1,2742 ha
  • ambit: 70, 75
  • number of plots: 2
  • owned by the Municipality of Toruń
  • intended use: area of service and manufacturing facilities, storage and warehouses
  • date of the tender: 24th November 2023


  1. 201 - 207 Poznańska St. - plot N° 126/4, 1/146, ambit 70,75 - 0,5529 ha
  2. 209 - 211 Poznańska St., 2 K. Stamirowskiego St. - plot N° 126/ 5, 1/147, ambit 70,75 - 0,7213 ha


  • south-western part of the city
  • perfect connection with the part of the S-10 between Bydgoszcz and Toruń, which will facilitate access to the A1 highway through the construction of two junctions: Podgórz 
  • in the vicinity of service and production facilities, single family and multi-family housing
  • undeveloped area
  • existing utilities located in neighboring streets:

– power grid
– water distribution network
– gas network
– sewage network
– telecommunications network