Do you want to invest in Toruń but you don’t know where to start? Hereunder you will find informations which will allow you to carry out your investment efficiently. Please remember about Business Support Center, which supports entrepreneurs and investors in implementation of investment plans.
Business Support Center in Toruń
- We suport economical activity in Toruń.
- We offer help throughout the entire investment process, from finding location through obtaining the required permits, to recruiting employees.
- We offer comprehensive after-investment care.
- We provide informations on investment incentives, tax exemptions and the possibility of obtaining funds for entrepreneurs.
- We actively recruit new investors.
- Preparation of a dedicated investment offer.

Tenders for municipal investment areas
All tenders for urban investment areas planned by the City of Toruń are announced on the Internet here:
By selecting an interesting location, you can enter the detailed terms and conditions of sale:
- price of the property,
- date of sale,
- the bid bond - its amount, date of payment and account number,
- information on the real estate - its purpose, rules of tender for the real estate.

Local spatial development plan
The document will help you determine:
- type of investment that can be implemented on real estate covered by local spatial development plans,
- land development and development conditions,
- also indicates the obligations and restrictions associated with the investment.
Below you can find a link to download the current plans. The area that interests you may be found on the located there interactive map.

It will allow you to download:
- maps with the so-called utilities - all utilities: water, sewage, electricity, gas, telecommunications,
- property maps with property limits and plot numbers, buildings, land use,
- maps indicating private, self-government and state property.
It allows you to download the map selected for the wanted location and print it on the appropriate scale. You can use it to prepare, for instance, initial projects, investment orientation in the field. The well-featured menu allows you to select the selected data and also to indicate them on the satellite map. The portal can be downloaded here:

Tax exemption
They allow you to reduce the fixed costs of your business. They cover the whole area of the city and are additionally directed to the companies operating in the area of the Old Town Zone.
- for entrepreneurs realizing new investments: download the material
- for entrepreneurs creating new work places: download the material
The Old Town Zone:
- in the area of protected, disappearing and preferred industries: download the material
- for entrepreneurs running their first business in a premises located in the Old Town: download the material

Important documents and contacts
Documents to carry out the investment should be downloaded from the websites of the departments of the City Council of Toruń, which issue agreements, approvals and permits.
- Faculty of Architecture and Construction: conditions of development, building permit and other
- Department of Real Estate Management: inter alia, tenders for real estate, land servitude, leases and others
- Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography: maps for project purposes, investment project agreements and others
- Department of Environment and Greenery: e.g. permits for felling trees, exclusion of land from agricultural production and others
- Municipal Urban Planning Workshop: changes in local plans
- Municipal Road Administration in Toruń: e.g. occupation of the road lane, inclusion in the road system