1-3 Forteczna St. | torun.direct - Centrum Wsparcia Biznesu

1-3 Forteczna St.

  • area: 0,7817 ha
  • ambit 30, plot N°: 222/2
  • number of plots: 1
  • owned by the Municipality of Toruń



  • northern part of the city
  • perfectly connected with National Road N° 91
  • in the vicinity of multi-family and single-family residential buildings, further away service and production facilities
  • in the immediate vicinity of the area with technical infrastructure of Toruńskie Wodociągi Sp. z o.o. (Toruń Waterworks Ltd.)
  • undeveloped, not built-up
  • existing utilities within the boundaries of the plot and adjacent streets:
    • power grid
    • water distribution network
    • heating network
    • sewage network
    • telecommunications network


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