148 Łódzka St.
- 148 Łódzka St.
- area: 0,0822 ha
- ambit 66, plot number: 653/4
- number of plots: 1
- owned by the Municipality of the City of Toruń
- intended use: services
- primary function: services
- admissible function: internal roads, car parks, greenery, technical infrastructure devices and networks
- area marked with the 77.19-U4 symbol (City Council Resolution No. 631/21 of May 13, 2021)
- left-bank part of the city
- perfectly connected with National Road 91 and Expressway S10
- in the immediate vicinity of service/ production facilities and single-family housing
- undeveloped area
- access from the designed public roads and on land separated and ultimately allocated in the local spatial development plan for internal roads
- existing utilities located in the neighbouring streets: sewage network, water supply network, telecommunications network, power grid, gas network
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