64 -72 Szosa Okrężna St. | torun.direct - Centrum Wsparcia Biznesu

64 -72 Szosa Okrężna St.

64 -72 Szosa Okrężna St.

  • area: 1,5061 ha
  • ambit 1, plots N°: 4/13, 4/14, 4/15, 4/16, 4/17
  • number of plots: 5
  • owned by the Municipality of Toruń

1. 66 Szosa Okrężna St. -plot N° 4/13 - 0,1369 ha
2. 68 Szosa Okrężna St. - plot  N° 4/14 – 0,1459 ha
3. 70 Szosa Okrężna St. – plot N° 4/15 – 0,1452 ha
4. 72 Szosa Okrężna St. – plot N° 4/16 – 0,1766 ha
5. 64 Szosa Okrężna St. – plot N° 4/17 – 0,9042 ha

  • intended use: services with greenery, excluding socially undesirable services, warehouses, depots,
  • admissible use: internal roads, parking lots, landscaping, landscaped greenery, facilities and equipment of technical infrastructure
  • area marked with the 69.04 - U/ZP1 symbol  (City Council Resolution N° 719/14 of 20 March, 2014)



  • western part of the city
  • perfectly connected with National Road N° 80
  • in the vicinity of single-family residential buildings, the campus of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
  • nearby airfield of the Pomeranian Aero Club in Torun
  • undeveloped land, not built-up
  • existing utilities within the borders of the plot and adjacent streets:
    • power grid
    • water distribution network
    • heating network
    • sewage network
    • telecommunications network




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