Complex of Technical Schools

About the school:
- Innovative and sought-after fields of education on the labour market
- High results of external exams (matura and vocational) - SILVER SHIELD 2021
- Numerous sports successes
- Finalists and winners in the subject Olympiads at the central level - the highest stage in Poland (Golden Trowel, Logistics Olympiad, ZUS Olympiad)
- Implementation of the program of the Ministry of National Defense - Military Preparation Branch (OPW). Candidates for the OPW submit applications from 17 to 31 May 2021. Before proceeding to the physical fitness test, the candidate must present a certificate from the POZ doctor of very good health.
- Comprehensive development of students: sports, language, artistic, expanding or supplementing knowledge, volunteering, regular blood donation campaigns, charity actions
- Examination centres for surveyor technician and ict technician
- 100 years of tradition of the school
- Good didactic base and location in the city center
- Apprenticeships with employers, study visits to enterprises, summer Internships in poland and abroad (also paid)
- Cooperation with universities (study visits, classes with specialists)
- Friendly atmosphere for students
- Well-equipped and friendly school library
- Highly qualified staff, OKE examiners
- Construction technician (pedagogical innovation: construction technician with utility design)
- Roofing technician - NEW
- Surveyor technician
- Logistics technician (pedagogical innovation: logistician technician in uniformed services)
- Logistic technician - Military Preparation Department
- Ict technician
Stage I Industry School
- Bricklayer – plasterer
- Roofer
- Geodesy: GEOS, GEOMETR II, BETPOL, 6 Independent Geographical Branch
- ICT: Eneva, Orange, Multimedia, Infocomp, TRYTON, Cable TV Toruń, AKGJ TELEKOM, HITOR, Pc BIT Komputer, SohbiCraft, Euro-Mar
- Construction: Crystal, Wienerberger, Bud- Tech, Tombud, Rem-Bud, M.J. SYSTEM, Em3dach, Velux, Euronit
- Logistics: Emtor, NISSIN LOGISTICS, Neuca Group, Arpol, TZMO, 12th Military Economic Branch, Con-Graph, Boryszew Tensho, UMC, Leroy Merlin, Servitor
- "True-Life" band,
- Sports: volleyball, floorball, basketball, beach volleyball, chess, table tennis, swimming pool, fitness, streetworkout
- Specialized: paid work placements, AutoCAD
- Qualification courses: driving license category.B, fiber optic network installer, forklifts, C-GEO program support, backhoe loader service, installation of door and window joinery, installation of construction scaffolding, electrical qualifications up to 1kV (SEP)
- Military-military circle
Zbigniew Rasielewski – Deputy Mayor of Toruń
Olga Sokołowska - student of the
General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces
Michał Kisicki - owner of Technology of Waterproof System
Zespół Szkół Technicznych
ul. Legionów 19/25
87-100 Toruń
phone/fax: 56 622 73 36
e-mail:sekretarz-szkolyzst [dot] torun [dot] pl