Complex of Schools of Economics | - Centrum Wsparcia Biznesu

Complex of Schools of Economics

Complex of Schools of Economics


"Ekonomik" is an extraordinary school, where there is a friendly and friendly atmosphere. In addition to learning, the school organizes various events, excursions, trips to the cinema and theater. Young people can realize themselves in sport, international projects and various circles of interest. All this takes place in a modernly equipped school with a one-shift learning system.

Our students are perfectly prepared to pass the professional exam and the matura exam, and the school is appreciated by parents, students and residents of the local environment. We owe our prestige to high didactic results - among the best students are scholarship holders of the Prime Minister and the Primates of the Profession of Kujawy and Pomerania. The friendly atmosphere taking place in our school is conducive to building good student-teacher-parent relations. We educate young people in valued professions in the following industries: economic, commercial and hairdressing.

The school has:

  • Quality Certificate – School of Entrepreneurship
  • Certificate "School for a good start"
  • The title of the "Silver School"




  •  economist technician – qualifications:
    • Keeping records in an organizational unit
    • Conducting HR and payroll matters and financial management of organizational units
  •  sales technician – qualifications:
    • Conducting sales
    • Conducting commercial activities
  •  accounting technician – qualifications:
    • Conducting HR and payroll matters and financial management of organizational units
    • Accounting
  •  hairdressing service technician – qualifications:
    • Performing hairdressing services
    • Design and execution of hairstyles

For students of the Technical School, the opportunity to gain additional qualifications: FITNESS INSTRUCTOR

Stage I Industry School

  •  hairdresser (juvenile worker - classes at employers) – qualifications distinguished in the profession:
    • Performing hairdressing services

INTERNSHIPS IN PRODUCTION AND COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES, OFFICES, BANKS, HAIRDRESSING SALONS, also in accounting offices, District Court, Statistical Office, Santander Bank Polska, Cooperative Bank, municipal offices in the province, prestigious hairdressing and beauty salons, renowned chain stores and commercial salons, boutiques, perfumeries and in many other enterprises.


  • Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
  • Higher School of Banking in Toruń
  • BBS Syke Europaschule in Germany
  • Geert Groote College Amsterdam Netherlands
  • Liceo Scientifico "C.Cavalerii" in Italy
  • IES Bendinat in Spain
  • Lycee Charles Baudelaire Evry in France


  • Young Accountants Circle
  • EuroEconomics
  • Caritas Circle
  • artistic, language and sports circles


Paweł Maciejewski – editor on the website,
manager of the franchise network, salesman

Marta Grzybowska – accountant at UNIGUM

Katarzyna Bartczak – manager of the Pull and Bear store

Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych
ul. Grunwaldzka 39
87-100 Toruń

tel. 56 654 46 13

e-mail:ekonomikatzset [dot] home [dot] pl



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