- Centrum Wsparcia Biznesu

  • 73 Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie St.
  • logistics center consisting of two buildings being constructed in stages
  • hall A - 27,186 sqm
  • hall B - 21,426 sqm
  • TOTAL: 48,600 sqm
  • available office space: 2,400 sqm
  • 23 Płaska St.
  • complex of an office building and warehouses
  • available area of warehouses:
    • 700 sqm
    • 940 sqm
    • 940 sqm
    • 940 sqm
    • 3520 sqm IN TOTAL
  • plot area: about 1.4 hectares
  • 148 Łódzka St.
  • area: 0,0822 ha
  • ambit 66, plot number: 653/4
  • number of plots: 1
  • owned by the Municipality of the City of Toruń
  • intended use: services