23 Szubińska St. | torun.direct - Centrum Wsparcia Biznesu

23 Szubińska St.

23 Szubińska St.

  • area: 0,3267 ha
  • ambit 77, plot number: 21/2
  • number of plots: 1
  • owned by the Munincipality of the City of Toruń
  • intended use: services
  • admissible function: housing function integrally connected with the service activity carried out, small scale architecture, technical infrastructure devices and facilities
  • area marked with the 57.20-U1 symbol (City Council Resolution No. 450/12 of December 13, 2012)
  • date of tender: 17. September 2024
  • left-bank part of the city
  • existing utilities located in neighboring streets:
    – power grid
    – water distribution network
    – gas network
    – sewage network
    – telecommunications network