Vocational Training Centre | torun.direct - Centrum Wsparcia Biznesu

Vocational Training Centre

Vocational Training Centre



The Vocational Training Centre in Toruń annually educates about 600 students and students per week from 5 Toruń schools and institutions: ZSMEiE, ZST, ZSOiT No. 13, K-PSOSW, CKU.

We organize practical training in the following professions: mechatronic, electrical, electronic, IT, mechanical, construction.

We perform educational tasks in the following areas:

  • Practical training;
  • Examination centre;
  • Training services on welding courses: gas, sheets and pipes with inguinal welds using the MAG method, steel with coated electrodes, non-melting tungsten electrode in the TIG inert gas shield and others
  • Tasks in ESF projects.

Are you going to be a professional in one of the above industries? Choose one of the listed vocational schools and you will find the best positions for practical exercises!

Joseph's Vocational Training Centre
26a 87-100 Toruń

tel. 56 654 47 24

e-mail:ckzatckz [dot] torun [dot] pl


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