Complex of Gastronomy and Hotel Schools | - Centrum Wsparcia Biznesu

Complex of Gastronomy and Hotel Schools

Complex of Gastronomy and Hotel Schools



  • We have over 75 years of tradition
  • We offer real working conditions in school workshops and on apprenticeships in renowned restaurants, hotels and travel agencies as well as on the Unity Line ferry
  • We have modern and professional equipment in school laboratories
  • We implement EU projects "Versatile graduate", "Closer to the employer" – students gain new skills and qualifications on certified courses (bartending, barista, confectionery, leisure time animator, professional image in business, etc.), take part in paid internships and apprenticeships, driving license courses cat.B and matura courses
  • We take an active part in the Erasmus+ program internships and internships for students in Spain, Portugal and Sicily
  • We have winners of the Food and Nutrition Knowledge Olympiad and the Tourism Knowledge Olympiad
  • Our graduates took part in media culinary programs Top Chef, Master Chef.
  • We have a prestigious Certificate of Culinary Heritage of Kujawy and Pomerania
  • We offer career counseling and coaching
  • Our students develop their passions and interests both professional and artistic, theatrical



  • Food technicians and catering services
  • Hotel technician
  • Tourism organisation technician

Stage I Sectoral Vocational School:

  • Cook
  • Confectioner


  • Restaurants: Mio Piano, Speedway, Pasta i Basta, Motoarena Toruń, Rytkówka, U Flisaka, Raffalko, Zamkowa, Willa Radwan
  • Hotels: Copernicus, Bulwar, Filmar, Gothic, Zajazd Staropolski, Mercure, International Youth Meeting Centre, Refleks, Retman, Granary, Hotel 1231, Camping "Tramp", Fort IV, Rubens & Monet, Olender, "Campanille" Bydgoszcz, Embassy, Karbówko Settlement
  • Travel agencies: Rainbow Tours, Copernicana, StarTours, CocoTours, Compass
  • Unity Line Ferries


  • In the complex of school buildings there are: the main building with a gymnasium, school workshops, shooting range and boarding school
  • The school has 5 catering workshops, 2 consumer service workshops, 2 hotel workshops, 2 modern hotel rooms
  • Students also have at their disposal the office of a pedagogue, career counselor, nurse, Student Government, library with reading room, fitness room and gym
  • In addition, there is a playground "Orlik" next to the school


"You like working with people, thinking creatively and working creatively - come to ZSGH"

"You want to travel, explore the world and interesting people - choose our school"


Bartłomiej Witkowski - owner of the Piernicova restaurant in Toruń, participant of "Top Chef" 3 Poland
Rafał Jurkiewicz - chef of the restaurant of the BULWAR Hotel in Toruń
Tomasz Błaszkiewicz - owner of the catering company and Speedway restaurant in Toruń
Przemysław Konieczyński - general director of the Ibis Styles Hotel, manager of the Vabank Hotel and Osada Karbówko

Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich
ul. Osikowa 15
87-100 Toruń

phone: 56 657 37 77

e-mail:rekrutacjaatzsgh [dot] torun [dot] pl


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